Tuesday, June 11, 2013

BDO Easy Investment Plan or EIP

This is a unique savings and investment program that promotes  the twin habits of regularly saving and investing. This is accomplished through a regular and automatic debit arrangement from a participant's savings/current account for immediate investment in a UITF of the participant's choice.

BDO Easy Investment Plan allows a person to set aside a portion of his income from every payday (principle of "paying yourself first"). This discipline aligns us with the principle of assessing our needs vs. our wants. It works on an Auto Debit Arrangement (ADA), thus, providing convenience for its participants (principle of "automatic financial plan").

Each contribution is immediately invested in a Unit Investment Trust Fund (UITF) of his choice (principle of "making money work for you and investing wisely").  He may choose from  BDO Peso Fixed Income Fund, BDO Peso Balanced Fund and BDO Equity Fund.  Opportunity to earn begins upon first contribution (power of compounding interest will start to work).

The EIP makes investing both affordable and convenient. For as low as PhP1,000.00 per contribution, one can already be an investor. A participant  may choose to contribute

              * once a month (every 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, 30th of the month)
              * twice a month (every 5th & 20th, 10th & 25th, or 15th & 30th of the month).

When the scheduled contribution date falls on a weekend, holiday or a non-banking day, the deduction shall be done on the nearest banking day prior to the contribution date. No penalty shall be imposed when the elected BDO CA/SA is unfunded or has insufficient balance on contribution date. The auto-debit arrangement will continue on the next scheduled contribution date.

When the participant's total contributions (in units) in the EIP reach the market value of at least P10,000, these total contribution will graduate from the EIP. The participant will be issued a Confirmation of Participation (COP) and shall be treated as a regular UITF investment. The COP shall be sent to the participant's servicing branch for partcipant's pick up.

The prospective participant can invest via 725 BDO branches nationwide.

What is more exciting is that the participant can monitor the growth (gains or loss) of his investment daily. This is by enrolling his BDO account in the Retail Internet Banking (RIB). Otherwise, for those who already have a COP, the participant can compute it manually my mutiplying the total number of shares found in your COP by the  NAVPU for the day which can be viewed at this website www.bdo.com.ph.

In case the participant will be needing cash for emergencies, he can get his contributions from EIP account even before reaching the market value of P10,000. There are two choices. Redemption or Unsubscription.

If the participant opted for withdrawal of funds via redemption, he will be receiving the market value of his investments, less the non-completion fee of 0.50% of the original participation amount. The EIP account will still be active. Hence, on the next scheduled date, the BDO account will continue to be debited.

On the other hand, if the participant opted for unsubscription, the EIP account will be closed once he receive the market value of the investment, net of non-completion fee.  The account will no longer be debited.

A non-completion fee is the cost that an investor has to absorb on account of his redemption during the build-up period.

Proceeds of redemption/unsubscription shall be received one (1) banking day (for BDO Fixed Income Fund) and four (4) banking days (for BDO Balanced Fund and BDO Equity Fund) after the notice of redemption in received.

Notice must be received by the EIP servicing branch on or before the cut-off time of 11:00am

BDO Easy Investment Plan is best for individuals who;

   * are working hard but never seem to have enough money
   * have already planned how they'll spend their money before they get it
   * never have anything left to save at the end of a pay period
   * oftentimes wonder where their money goes
   * can't start to save and invest but know that they need to
   * lack the discipline to set aside money on a regular basis
   * are willing to save and invest but do not have the time, expertise and facility to do so
   * would like to achieve financial independence in the easiest and most convenient way

So, hurry! Visit any BDO branches nearest you and start saving and investing.


By the way, I'd like to share something with you. 
Last year, I read about a maid who invested in the Stock Market who now has more than P800,000! 
Amazing, right? It was then that I learned about the Truly Rich Club.
No less than Bo Sanchez, himself, coaches thousands of people like his maid about the DOs and DON'Ts in Stock Market Investing. 
Ever since I joined the Club, I grew not only in my knowledge but more so, in my finances. 
Do you want a vehicle towards financial freedom? 
No matter where you're coming from, this can bring you to WHERE YOU WANT TO GO. 
If you want Bo to be your personal financial coach, click here

Be part of the Truly Rich Club now. 

God bless!


Related links:  BDO NOMURA, an online stock broker.        
                        MUTUAL FUND Simplified

Sunday, June 9, 2013

BDO Mutual Fund Investment

Many investment company calls their mutual fund investment in different names. Banco De Oro, Universal Bank or BDO calls it Unit Investment Trust Fund. There are many investment types that you can choose to suit your needs.

Years back, one need a lot of money in order to invest in mutual fund, but now, it is no longer that. Even an ordinary employee could afford to invest.

BDO offers a minimum investment of ten thousand pesos (P10,000.00).

To make it even more affordable, one need not wait to have ten thousand pesos in order to invest.

BDO has EIP or Easy Investment Plan where one can start to invest with just one thousand pesos (P1,000.00). Yes!

Easy Investment Plan is an Automatic Savings and Investments which is made available through its auto-debit facility. A participant chooses any amount per contribution (starting at P1,000.00). This is automatically debited from the account maintained at BDO at a chosen time of the participant. This amount is immediately invested directly to mutual fund.When your contribution reaches ten thousand (P10,000.00), this will be treated as a regular investment documented by a Confirmation of Participation (COP).

The most popular type of investment BDO has are:.

1. BDO Peso Fixed Income Fund - The Fund aims to provide a high level of income with preservation of capital and maintenance of liquidity by investing in a combination of short to long-term fixed-income securities.
2. BDO Peso Balanced Fund - The Fund aims to achieve capital appreciation over the medium-term by investing primarily in equities and to some extent in fixed-income securities, the allocation of which shall be determined by the Trustee depending on market conditions.  
3. BDO Equity Fund - The Fund aims primarily for capital growth over the medium to long-term by investing in a selection of exchange-listed equities.
In order to minimize risks and maximize earning potential, participants/trustors are recommended to stay invested in the Fund for at least three (3) years.

Other types of  BDO investments can be viewed in this link. 

Keeping or saving your money in a bank is secure and risk-free. You may get it anytime with no hassle. But savings alone is not enough to make your money grow ------ at a shorter time and much higher. 

Investing will do! This means taking some risks, but the rewards are higher.

Start  investing now! Visit any BDO branches nearest you.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Why Join TrulyRichClub?

I am into stock market investment without carefully studying the stock market myself. It started when I joined the TrulyRichClub of Bo Sanchez four years ago. That's how I got into one of my college dream. To invest in the stock market!

Bo Sanchez has influenced my positive outlook in life and most especially about money. We share the thought that having a lot of money is not good, it is better to be poor. I thought there would never be a way for me to become rich and  get out of my financial bondage. But I was wrong.

Investing in the stock market is not that easy though, as you hear others say it. It is dangerous if you do not have enough knowledge about the market trends and the stock market. Remember that it is your hard earned money and it is for your future. It must be taken cared of. Hence, you need to spend time to study, read the newspapers, watch television shows about business and the stock market. You need to spend on books, as what I learned from a friend who is not a member. You need to study it yourself so that you will be guided on how to handle your stocks.

But I was spared of these. Bo has great financial mentors who are teaching and guiding me on how to invest. I don't have to make my own personal study. I have no time to read the papers and watch business television shows. I would prefer to watch Teleserye.  I'd better buy religious books and magazine than books of great financial mentors.

I remember one day, a friend saw on my table Bo's book about investing in the stock market and he learned that I am into stocks. That was the time I learned he was into stock market, too. He knows a lot about stocks and the stock market. He has books about great financial authors. Some I suspect even one of Bo's mentors (and mine, too!).

He asked me what do I get from being a TrulyRichClub member. I said casually, "Bo tells me what to buy and when to buy stocks."  He was surprised to hear that. He can't almost believe Bo does that. It sounds unusual to him. Then he asked for the membership fee and he compared it with the gains that he could get. But I told him, "I don't treat my fee like that. I consider it one of my tithes, too. You know, Bo has many ministries that help the old people, the orphans, unwed moms, street kids and many others."  Yes, and I am happy that some of it goes to these ministries.  In the first place, when you think about it, I got my expert mentors' service at the cheapest price. For sure, I'll get more than what I monthly give in the future. For me, it is not just a tithe but an investment as well - a heavenly one.

Honestly, talking to my friend made me realize investing in the stock market is not that easy. I also realized how lucky I am. I was spared from a lot of studying and research.

This is why I'm inviting you to join the club. I wanted you to be spared from all the hassles, too. Like me, you have your own priorities. But you also wanted to invest and grow your money for your future.

Click on the link TruyRichClub and Bo Sanchez will explain more, what it is all about.

If you want to invest in the stock market  click here  and I will show you where and how.


To change your financial life and get your TrulyRichClub blessings, click here. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

My Aunt, Cousin and Friends are into Mutual Fund

Finally I've convinced them. Success!!! *:-)

It was not that easy though. I thought.
Well, it was like this, I was telling them, when you keep your money in a bank, it earns interest rate depending on the amount of money you have. The higher amount you have, the higher the interest rate. The lower amount you have, the lower interest rate. But when you invest in mutual fund, you have the same interest rate as that of those with millions of investment.

My aunt surprised me one night when she asked me about money market. She said she has been watching business channels lately and was hearing about money market and mutual fund. She got curious about it. Even became  more interested when one time she went to her bank and updated her passbook. She discovered how little was the interest she gets from her savings deposit. She noticed that it was even decreasing. Then she thought of investing it somewhere else. She has inquired from an investment company. unfortunately, she said, the minimum investment is so far beyond her available fund. 

I was having a lecture on mutual funds to my aunt while my cousin was just around doing her own stuff. walking to and fro in front of us. When my lecture was finished, my cousin told me, "Would you like to bring my fund tomorrow and invest it there?" I was surprised. I thought she wasn't interested. She was listening all along. She even had more investment than my aunt. My aunt said she will still try and see what happens.

To this day, many of my friends are already into mutual fund through my convincing. Even many of my office mates. Some have been contaminated by the "mutual fund" fever I created. They were just happy and thankful for me. They are now earning much more. Even those who are conservative has become brave enough to take risk. You see, mutual fund is not insured with PDIC - Philippine Deposit Insurance Company. The maximum amount that is insured with PDIC is P500k.

Somehow I became an investment adviser to them. One friend even asked me if it is better for her to convert her dollar investment into peso. Generally, I make them decide. It's their own money. I just share what I know about the market trends and my experience as well. It really feels good to help.

Now a days, one need not have much money in order to invest in mutual fund. Although, there are some investment company that has a minimum amount of investment that many, if not most, could not afford, like my aunt. I am one of these people, too, who would have wanted to invest with the small fund that I have.

Presently, there are banks, like BDO, that offers a minimum investment of ten thousand pesos (P10,000.00). They even have this EIP or Easy Investment Plan where one can start to invest with just one thousand pesos (P1,000.00). Yes!

Easy Investment Plan of BDO is an Automatic Savings and Investments which is made available through its auto-debit facility. A participant chooses any amount per contribution (starting at P1,000.00). This is automatically debited from the account maintained at BDO at a chosen time of the participant. This amount is immediately invested to mutual fund.When your contribution reaches ten thousand (P10,000.00), this will be treated as a regular investment documented by a Confirmation of Participation (COP).

This plan is great for people who could not afford the usual minimum investment but would already like to invest with the minimal amount that they have.

Keeping or saving your money in a bank is secure and risk-free. You may get it anytime with no hassle. But savings alone is not enough to make your money grow ------ at a shorter time and much higher. 

Investing will do! This means taking some risks, but the rewards are higher.

Happy Investing!


*** Do you want to gain financial wealth and spiritual abundance at the same time? Join The TrulyRichClub and receive great blessings.

*** Be happy, live healthy. Subscribe to 52 Healing Habits. Transform you health, body and soul through one simple habit.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


What is Mutual Fund?

Mutual Fund is a collective fund of many investors combined together for the purpose of investing it.The funds are then managed by a group of managers to make it earn. These group of managers are  referred to as "investment companies" or "registered investment companies."  These companies have professional fund managers that invest the funds in various financial instruments such as money market securities, bonds and equities, which are normally available to bigger investors only.

Investments in mutual funds are represented in number of units. When you invest, you are buying shares of funds per unit. This is what we call NAVPU or Net Asset Value Per Unit. Investors can buy or sell shares of funds at any time.

Generally, mutual funds has three categories

1. Fixed Income Fund - funds are invested in government and corporate securities that provide a fixed return and are usually low risk.

2. Balanced Fund - funds are invested into stock market and bonds. It has moderate risk and moderate return  
3. Equity Fund - funds are invested in stock market. It has high risk and high return.

In mutual fund, someone else manages your fund and so, you don't have to worry about diversifying individual investments yourself or doing your own record keeping or finding where could you earn more. All you have to do is to just buy them and forget about them. 

Managing funds is a full-time job of these investment managers. You can be assured of their competence and diligent performance. They are the one who make research and studies the market condition. Their compensation also depends on how well the fund performs.

Mutual funds are divided into Open -Ended and Close-Ended

Close-Ended Funds has a specific number of shares issued to a particular fund. These shares are issued to the public through an initial public offering. These shares trade on the open market. It does not redeem or issue new shares like a normal mutual fund. This is why the fund is  subject to the laws of supply and demand. As a result, shares of closed-end funds normally trade at a discount to net asset value.

Open-Ended Funds means that the fund does not have a specified number of shares. Instead, the fund will issue new shares to an investor based upon the current net asset value and redeem the shares when the investor decides to sell. Open-end funds always reflect the net asset value of the fund's underlying investments because shares are created and destroyed as necessary.

Load  is a mutual fund term which means a sales commission.

Load are added to a mutual fund when you purchase or sell it. It goes to the fund salesperson as a commission and payment for their research services.

Many mutual funds are no-load funds.The fund is direct-marketed so you can buy it without the help of a salesperson. With the wealth of information on the internet today, it is certainly easier to make smart choices yourself to save money.

Related Links:

BDO Easy Investment Plan or EIP

BDO Mutual Fund investment

My Aunt, Cousin and Friends are into Mutual Fund Investment

My Stock Investment Brought me to Disney


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

My Investment Blog

One of my greatest dream is to help others especially the poor. So that I can help as much as I want, I need to have more, so that I can share more, too.

 Yes! I need to become rich!

I know I can not become one overnight. It's a long way to go for me. But I've started a few years ago.

I have started to invest.

The things I learned about investments, I consider a gift. Gifts are meant to be shared.                 

 In my own little way, I want to share all the things I learned from people and my personal experiences as well. I want to express them in my own simple language.

This blog is also an investment journal. I want to share how my investment grow. I want to inspire my readers. For those who are not yet in this journey, I would want them to go with me, and with others that are doing like my stuff. 

So, . . . . Welcome! and enjoy. . . .

Feel free to share your thoughts, too, if you want.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

An Investment Journey Started

                               Stocks. Stock Market. Stock Market Investments.

I learned about these words in college, particularly in one of my Accounting subjects. It was then that I dreamed of investing in the stock market someday. That day came four years ago.

That was when my investment journey started.

It was Bo Sanchez who invited me to join his Truly Rich Club. A few months later he was talking about investments. He was advising on investing in mutual fund and stocks and not in banks.

He introduced ATR Kim Eng and Citiseconline.com now COL Financial.

Hence, as soon as I got the fund, I invested on his recommended brokers.

As of this time, my investment in ATR Kim Eng gained 75%.  I invested one time and didn't continue investing.

It was in COL Financials that I continued investing until now and my investment have been growing even if I didn't religiously invest.  I find it more exciting here because it is a dream come true to me. I don't only work in a bank, but I became a part owner as well. Not just one, but more! *:-)

 Isn't that cool?


Do You Want to Gain Financial Wealth and Spiritual Abundance at the Same Time? Click here and join Bo Sanchez' TrulyRichClub and be abundantly blessed.

Transform your health, in body and soul, one simple and powerful habit at a time. Try 52 Healing Habits and enjoy financial abundance to the max.

March 2013