The blog of one who wants to become a millionaire, to inspire others to become one and be able to share the blessings to others.
In the world of Multilevel Marketing , AIM Global has been there almost dominating it for more than 13 years now. It is one of the best and major player in the industry and has created thousands of self made millionaires around the world.
Now, it made another big noise when it introduced the term “Empowered Consumerism”.
Empowered Consumerism is the new marketing campaign set by AIM Global management this 2020. It encompasses a lot of improvement and changes in the system as well as new packages to choose from.
CEO, Dr. Ed Cabantog explains, Empowered Consumerism is how consumers are empowered by the quality and effectiveness of AIM Global products. As a result, consumers also empowers the value of AIM Global products. The main goal of this campaign is to give value to consumers and provide consumers a way to earn money as they consume the products.
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