Bo Sanchez has influenced my positive outlook in life and most especially about money. We share the thought that having a lot of money is not good, it is better to be poor. I thought there would never be a way for me to become rich and get out of my financial bondage. But I was wrong.
Investing in the stock market is not that easy though, as you hear others say it. It is dangerous if you do not have enough knowledge about the market trends and the stock market. Remember that it is your hard earned money and it is for your future. It must be taken cared of. Hence, you need to spend time to study, read the newspapers, watch television shows about business and the stock market. You need to spend on books, as what I learned from a friend who is not a member. You need to study it yourself so that you will be guided on how to handle your stocks.
But I was spared of these. Bo has great financial mentors who are teaching and guiding me on how to invest. I don't have to make my own personal study. I have no time to read the papers and watch business television shows. I would prefer to watch Teleserye. I'd better buy religious books and magazine than books of great financial mentors.
I remember one day, a friend saw on my table Bo's book about investing in the stock market and he learned that I am into stocks. That was the time I learned he was into stock market, too. He knows a lot about stocks and the stock market. He has books about great financial authors. Some I suspect even one of Bo's mentors (and mine, too!).
He asked me what do I get from being a TrulyRichClub member. I said casually, "Bo tells me what to buy and when to buy stocks." He was surprised to hear that. He can't almost believe Bo does that. It sounds unusual to him. Then he asked for the membership fee and he compared it with the gains that he could get. But I told him, "I don't treat my fee like that. I consider it one of my tithes, too. You know, Bo has many ministries that help the old people, the orphans, unwed moms, street kids and many others." Yes, and I am happy that some of it goes to these ministries. In the first place, when you think about it, I got my expert mentors' service at the cheapest price. For sure, I'll get more than what I monthly give in the future. For me, it is not just a tithe but an investment as well - a heavenly one.
Honestly, talking to my friend made me realize investing in the stock market is not that easy. I also realized how lucky I am. I was spared from a lot of studying and research.
This is why I'm inviting you to join the club. I wanted you to be spared from all the hassles, too. Like me, you have your own priorities. But you also wanted to invest and grow your money for your future.
Click on the link TruyRichClub and Bo Sanchez will explain more, what it is all about.
If you want to invest in the stock market click here and I will show you where and how.
To change your financial life and get your TrulyRichClub blessings, click here.